Database and user data saving + loading

This describes how data is being manipulated, how it is saved / loaded to / from database in the game.

This is sub-layout for documentation pages

This was last updated when game had version: dev - 2.0.7



Following ER diagram displays the structure of major part of the database. Fields displayed in blue color have on delete cascade constraint.
That means, that if row is deleted from table, to which is the foreign key, then the value with the blue field will also be deleted (if there is valid / any FK).

Following ER diagram displays the structure of translations table:

[UNDEFINED ID (href) #introduction]

There are 3 main entities. nodeJS game, SQL database, Game Webpage.

[UNDEFINED ID (href) #nodejs-game-intro]

That is a project written using NodeJS and EJS templating system.
The project itself is hosted on Heroku.
It allows a user to play the game (using javascript, sockets), but also allows a user to log in or join lobbies.
To create the GUI and buttons, lists, game hud, HTML is used (using EJS templating system)

The game, however, requires resources and data, such as weapon names, database table names and column names, textures, css styles....
Some of the resources are required by the Game Webpage as well.

[UNDEFINED ID (href) #game-webpage]

That is a project written using Nette.
Allows users to log in, see game statistics, forums and so on.

The page requires resources as well, and some of them are common for the nodeJS game as well.
These are for example:

The following common resources are placed in the Game Webpage, and the nodeJS game downloads it from the page if needed.

The following common resources are placed in the nodeJS game, and the Game Webpage downloads it from the page if needed.

[UNDEFINED ID (href) #sql-database]

Functions as classic data storage for both Game Webpage, and the nodeJS game
Contains abilities, game items, monsters, users, forums (posts, replies, threads), game dialogues and so on.

[UNDEFINED ID (href) #nodejs-game]

This describes how database data is being manipulated within the nodeJS game

Warning: This diagram is no longer up to date, just because the amount of data loaded is increased every day so quickly, so that it si not possible to keep it up to date...

[UNDEFINED ID (href) #data-loading-from-dbs]

Data is loaded from the SQL database only once, and upon starting the server.
Following diagram shows the action of loading various data. When it is loaded, and in what order.

In the game, DatabaseModels (for example MonsterDatabaseModel ) and DAOs ( AbilitiesAllDAO ,ItemPrototypeDAO ) are being used.

[UNDEFINED ID (href) #class-Entities]

[UNDEFINED ID (href) #monsterDatabaseModel]

This describes the idea behind the MonsterDatabaseModel in the game code.

[UNDEFINED ID (href) #loadingAbilities]

Abilities are being loaded only once from the database at the start of the game server.
Then, all game ability class instances are created according to data from database and saved in memory for later use.
All the ability data is being sent to the client, regardless if the ability is for monster only, or not (as client needs to be able to recreate monster attack on the client side).
The data is sent to the client when the client connects.
The data transportation is being explained in networking

[UNDEFINED ID (href) #user-data]

User data is being explained here

[UNDEFINED ID (href) #dbs-optimalization]

Data retrieval from database can be optimalized in same way, as explained in localization optimalization